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Modern e-Library equipped with Digital Contents

Our quick & efficient Library Management System (LMS) ensures the surfing of books online to save time. As a member, you can look up the book you want, reserve it, come to the library and collect it without wasting time. We also prove access to online publications and journals at the library. A constantly expanding library is the centre for research as well as a study base for students’ projects and other literary and cultural activities. Students are encouraged to be companions of books which are treasure-house of wisdom and experience of centuries. Stacked with over 20000 books the school library includes a plethora of encyclopedias, magazines, journals, interesting story books, CD ROMs and books related to academics and general information. Size of the Library in sq. feet 70 X 50 No. of Periodicals 18 No. of Dailies 7 Number of reference books class-wise 9363 No. of Magazine 27