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Glancing History

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Our Legacy is Our Students

Education is a three-pronged activity, one is the school, second the student and, third the parents's community. Where the participation of the parents or community is negligent or absent, education remains a supply model and not a demand model. The progress of a country largely depends on the growth of the education system, a system that is dynamic and matches the best practices in the world. Mahaveer Public School, Jodhpur which is promoted by Bhagwan Mahaveer Shikshan Sansthan, the Society and managed by our committee members, became functional in April, 2004, at Gaushala Maidan Sector land allotted at Ratanada with 180 children enrolled initially. From such humble beginnings, we grew into such magnificent organisation. The institution offering comprehensive education for school children gradually progressed and expanded its building infrastructure gradually. Today the school stands proud amidst around 4.5 acres of lush green landscape, Octagonal Main Compound, with unique fully ventilated and air cooled built-up premises and all-round greenery, that houses approx. 2500+ students, and promises to give to the world-learned & intellectual citizens of tomorrow.